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Thesis Tide ranks papers based on their relevance to the fields, with the goal of making it easier to find the most relevant papers. It uses AI to analyze the content of papers and rank them!
The majority of experiments in fundamental science today are designed to be multi-purpose: their aim is not simply to measure a single physical quantity or process, but rather to enable increased prec...
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This paper presents a modern and scalable framework for analyzing Detector Control System (DCS) data from the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The DCS data, stored in an Oracle database via the WinCC OA syst...
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We report the thermal and electrical conductivity data for the magnetic Weyl semimetal SmAlSi measured in a magnetic field (B) with two different orientations. In one case, B was applied perpendicular...
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Recent advances in radar automatic target recognition (RATR) techniques utilizing deep neural networks have demonstrated remarkable performance, largely due to their robust generalization capabilities...
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We present a novel yet simple and comprehensive DNS cache POisoning Prevention System (POPS), designed to integrate as a module in Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). POPS addresses statistical DNS po...
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In this paper we study a connection between finite-gap on one energy level two-dimensional Schrodinger operators and two-dimensional discrete operators. We find spectral data for a new class of two-di...
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The study investigates orbital motion of test particles near compact objects described by solutions involving massless scalar fields, electromagnetic fields, and nonlinear electrodynamics. Specificall...
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Precision determination of the hyperfine splitting of cadmium ions is essential to study space-time variation of fundamental physical constants and isotope shifts. In this work, we present the precisi...
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Video Question Answering (VideoQA) is a challenging task that requires understanding complex visual and temporal relationships within videos to answer questions accurately. In this work, we introduce ...
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We consider the problem of computing the probability of maximality (PoM) of a Gaussian random vector, i.e., the probability for each dimension to be maximal. This is a key challenge in applications ra...
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Non-binary codes correcting multiple deletions have recently attracted a lot of attention. In this work, we focus on multiplicity-free codes, a family of non-binary codes where all symbols are distinc...
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I am a person and so are you. Philosophically we sometimes grant personhood to non-human animals, and entities such as sovereign states or corporations can legally be considered persons. But when, if ...
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Seismic traveltime tomography represents a popular and useful tool for unravelling the structure of the subsurface across the scales. In this work we address the case where the forward model is repres...
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The shock formation process in shock tubes has been extensively studied; however, significant gaps remain in understanding the effects of the diaphragm rupture process on the resulting flow non-unifor...
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The recent ATOMKI experiments provided evidence pointing towards the existence of an X17 boson in the anomalous nuclear transitions of Beryllium-8, Helium-4, and Carbon-12. In this work, we consider X...
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Few-shot Semantic Segmentation (FSS) is a challenging task that utilizes limited support images to segment associated unseen objects in query images. However, recent FSS methods are observed to perfor...
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Recently, foundational diffusion models have attracted considerable attention in image compression tasks, whereas their application to video compression remains largely unexplored. In this article, we...
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We investigate the role of the Kottman constant of a Banach space in the extension of -Hölder continuous maps for every .
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Let be a complete Cohen-Macaulay local ring. Assume is not Gorenstein. We say is a Teter ring if there exists a complete Gorenstein ring $(B,\mat...
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A central focus in survival analysis is examining how covariates influence survival time. These covariate effects are often found to be either time-varying, heterogeneous - such as being specific to p...
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