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Thesis Tide ranks papers based on their relevance to the fields, with the goal of making it easier to find the most relevant papers. It uses AI to analyze the content of papers and rank them!
Water infrastructures are essential for drinking water supply, irrigation, fire protection, and other critical applications. However, water pumping systems, which are key to transporting water to the ...
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3D reconstruction from unconstrained image collections presents substantial challenges due to varying appearances and transient occlusions. In this paper, we introduce Micro-macro Wavelet-based Gaussi...
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A critical requirement for deep learning models is ensuring their robustness against adversarial attacks. These attacks commonly introduce noticeable perturbations, compromising the visual fidelity of...
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The Kitaev honeycomb model has received significant attention for its exactly solvable quantum spin liquid ground states and fractionalized excitations. For realizing the model, layered cobalt oxides ...
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A mutation in the DNA of a single cell that compromises its function initiates leukemia,leading to the overproduction of immature white blood cells that encroach upon the space required for the genera...
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The reaction is useful for exploring the hyperon-nucleon interaction through final state interactions. In particular, the cusp structure of the invariant mass...
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Ben Andrews classified the limiting shape for isotropic curvature flow corresponding to the solutions of the -Minkowski problem as in the planar case. In this paper,...
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Achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) requires AI agents that can not only make stratigic decisions but also engage in flexible and meaningful communication. Inspired by Wittgenstein's l...
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Graph databases (GDBs) like Neo4j and TigerGraph excel at handling interconnected data but lack advanced inference capabilities. Neural Graph Databases (NGDBs) address this by integrating Graph Neural...
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Recent studies have demonstrated that a laser can self-generate frequency combs when tuned near an exceptional point (EP), where two cavity modes coalesce. These EP combs induce periodic modulation of...
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Let be a toric Fano orbifold. We compute the Fourier transform of the -equivariant quantum cohomology central charge of any -equ...
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We propose a method based on the discrete truncated Wigner approximation (DTWA) for computing out-of-time-order correlators. This method is applied to long-range interacting quantum spin systems where...
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For the quantum error correction (QEC) and noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) algorithms to function with high efficiency, the raw fidelity of quantum logic gates on physical qubits needs to sati...
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In the bullet process, a gun fires bullets in the same direction at independent random speeds. When two bullets collide, they vanish. The critical velocity is the slowest speed the first bullet can ta...
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For a graph , its spectral radius is the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix. Let be a finite family of graphs with $\min_{F\in \mathcal{F}}χ...
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Altermagnets represent a recently discovered class of collinear magnets, characterized by antiparallel neighboring magnetic moments and alternating-sign spin polarization in momentum-space(...
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Given an unconditional generative model and a predictor for a target property (e.g., a classifier), the goal of training-free guidance is to generate samples with desirable target properties without a...
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Star clusters provide unique advantages for investigating Galactic spiral arms, particularly due to their precise ages, positions, and kinematic properties, which are further enhanced by ongoing updat...
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We report on optimizing the spectral purity of heralded single photons in the telecom O-band, where single photons can be propagated with low loss and low dispersion in a standard telecom optical fibe...
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Two-dimensional Acoustic Charge Transport (2D-ACT) devices, which integrate two dimensional semiconductor EFT with high-frequency surface acoustic wave (SAW) device provide a potential compact platfor...
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